Cedya 2020 15- 19 Junio/june


XXVI Congress of Differential Equations and Applications /XVI Congress of Applied Mathematics (CEDYA/CMA) is the biennial congress of the Spanish Society for Applied Mathematics SeMA.

Since the first edition in 1978, it has served as a reference for both national and international researchers in topics as differential equations, dynamical systems, optimization, control, numerical analysis or scientific computations, among others.

We will celebrate the next one in the Polytechnic School of Engineering of Gijón on June 14-18,2021.


Plenary Speakers

Bernardo Cockburn
Bernardo Cockburn

University of Minnesota

Marco Ellero
Marco Ellero

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics BCAM

Ernesto Estrada
Ernesto Estrada

IFISC de Palma de Mallorca

José M. Mazón
José M. Mazón

Universitat de València

Salim Meddahi
Salim Meddahi

Universidad de Oviedo

Tere M-Seara
Tere M-Seara

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Daniel Peralta
Daniel Peralta

Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas ICMAT

David Ruiz
David Ruiz

Universidad de Granada

Yousef Saad
Yousef Saad

University of Minnesota

Boris Vexler
Boris Vexler

Technishe Universität München


New poster of CEDYA / CMA

New poster of CEDYA / CMA


Available in pdf
Deadline extension for the proceedings submission.

Deadline extension for the proceedings submission.


Until May 24.
EHF 2021

EHF 2021


Madrid 8/31 - 9/2
The congress goes blended

The congress goes blended


Online participation is now possible

Technical Secretariat


Address: C/ Principado 3, 4ª, 33007 Oviedo, Spain

Contact: +34 985 10 49 31 


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  • Logo universidad de Oviedo
  • Logo Gijón convention bureau
  • Logo Ayuntamiento de Gijón/Xixón
  • Mathematics Logo