Advances in multiresolution and subdivision techniques and its applications |
Algorithms and structure in Numerical Linear Algebra |
Dynamical Systems: Qualitative aspects and applications |
Efficient time integrators for ordinary differential equations |
Electromagnetic problems arising in industry modelling and numerical techniques |
Industrial Problems and PDEs |
Iterative Processes and Non Linear Equations |
Local and Non-Local Partial Differential Equations |
math-in: Success Stories between Academia and Industry |
Modelling and computational methods in quantitative finance |
Nonlinear PDEs and its applications in Natural Sciences |
Numerical integration of partial differential equations |
Numerical methods for balance laws and non-conservative hyperbolic systems |
Optimal Control and Inverse Problems |
Progress on numerical modeling of geophysical flows for environment and natural hazards |
Reduced Order Modelling |
Successful cases of mathematical applications in biology, ecology and medicine |
Tribute to Francisco-Javier Sayas |